Text: James 1:1-20

By Bro. James Eghele

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What is Patience? To be patient is to have the ability to endure, but it doesn’t stop there. Patience must also have the capacity to be wronged and not retaliate. In other words, patience is love persevering and love waiting. We are not to be patient in the way we face situations only but also in our relationships as well.

Do you want to be blessed? Stand firm in your trial. Do you want to be rewarded? Stand firm tough circumstance. Be patient because patience really does pay off. – Hymn 405.

God promised blessings and rewards to those who persevere and stand firm hard times. The reason we can stand firm is because God loves us unconditionally and promises to walk us through every dark moment life will bring. Nothing touches our life that does not pass through God’s hand. With His permission – hymn 643.

Remember the bible story of the man Job? Job was a faithful servant –

Job 1:6‐12. Strong in his faith and unwavering in his obedience to God. Satan didn’t like it. In fact, he went to God and asked permission to test Job. – Hymn 637.

The devil had to go to God like an errand boy in order to get permission to touch His child, Job. Satan was convinced that if Job lost everything God had given him, his health, his family, his possessions, he would curse God and follow satan. Satan striped Job of his health, his possessions, his wealth and his family – everything Job held dear, yet Job stood firm without cursing God. –

Touch me one more time – O Lord.

Patience pay off in many ways, but one of the greatest rewards of patience is joy, a deeply rooted confidence that God is in control.

No matter where you are today, where you have been or what you are facing tomorrow, be patient, knowing your God will strengthen you to stand firm. – You are the pillar that holds my life.


Hymn 433 – Purer in heart

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