Text:         Judges 6 & 7

By:            Sunny Ogumor

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When there is a siege in a community everybody is affected. Then who bells the cat. In this our country news of insecurity, fighting, kidnaping, killings destruction of life and properties with impunity etc, have dominated the print and electronic medias for some time now. Some persons are living in camps outside their comfort homes. The government is trying its best to find solution, recruiting men and women, buying arms and aminations to tackle the situation.  The common man cannot tell if the security men and women, the machines and instruments being put together to solve this insecurity are enough or are too many for the situation at hand. In individual life also there are things that disturb us, sometimes we lack courage, other time we lack wisdom other time our efforts are geared in the wrong direction to solve problems.

God told Gideon that if I approve this number of soldiers for you, you will boast of your power.   Let us look at Gideon’s life and draw some inspirations.

Who is Gideon? Gideon was the son of Joash of the tribe of Manasseh. He was a judge in Israel, he destroyed the altar of the pagan god of Baal and this earned him the name Jeru-Baal meaning the one who challenged Baal. Heb 11:32,33 says by faith he subdued kingdoms.

Judges 6:1-6; The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord delivered them to the hands of the Midianites to deal with them for seven years. The children of Israel were hiding in caves and other fortified places. When they have planted their crops the Midianites and the Amalekites will come in large numbers and destroy the crops. So, it was really terrible for the children of Israel then. When they were tired, they cry to God and God said to them thru his prophet I brought you from Egypt but when I say do not worship the gods of the Amorites, you did not obey my voice. Disobedience is an enemy of God. Proverbs 3:11-12: Do not despise the LORD’s instruction.

The merciful God know that they will beg and the time have come and God found a substance in a young man who is not well known in the vicinity. Judges 6:11-17: And the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said to him “the Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor” Gideon did not agree with the Angel because they were suffering, and Gideon complained about the threat from the Midianites making life difficult for them. You have been chosen to save Israel. Though Gideon did not accept initially but with further discussions sign and wonders Gideon was convinced and accepted the job. First assignment, Judges 6: 25-27, go and destroy the altar of Baal built by his father. If you must work for God, you must clean your house first. With courage Gideon did the job in the night because of fear of the people. The next morning, after investigation people came to Gideon’s father and said to him bring out your son he is the one who did this thing. He must die. Deut 13:6–10 Those who worship idol should be stoned to death. But here Israelites were ready to execute Gideon for destroying their idol. And Gideon father told the people why do you want to fight for Baal if he be god can’t Baal fight for himself? Judges 6:31.

The spirit of the Lord came on the courageous Gideon, who called his people together to arrange for the real assignment.

Judges 7:1-4: They equipped themselves for the war. When God saw the soldiers, Gideon have arranged He said no, no, no the people with you are too many for me to hand over the Midianites to you less Israel will boast that by their power they did it. God then gave Gideon a couple of tests to reduce the number. First was tell the soldiers, whoever is fearful and afraid let him go home. And 22,000 army went home, leaving 10,000 men.

Pretenses, excuses and laziness will make many to leave the faith on their own volition. Winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win.

Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Eph6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Put on your spiritual armor: Eph 6: 12-18. So that you will be battle ready for any dart thrown at you. God is our defense, our provider and protector; not human shield nor mechanical devices.

Still too many:

10,000 soldiers remaining. If you are the commander what will come to your mind “psychological defeatism”. 10,000 soldiers still too many, said God. Bring them to the river to drink water I will test them for you and who I say this is ready will go with you. They way each soldier positioned and drank the water shows his readiness. The number was further reduced to 300 men, who were found to be ready.

Matt 7: 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,` shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 300 men for this mission looks suicidal but when God says yes who can say no. Faith and courage must be displayed for the service of God.

Judges 7:8-18; And they took from the 9,700 men their foods and trumpets and sent them home. Gideon took his assistance as God told him and they went and spy on their opponents. They were really many but with what Gideon heard he confirmed that God had really deliver these people to his hand. Gideon took this as a sure pledge of success. Without delay he worshipped and praised God, and returned with confidence to his three hundred men.

Wherever we are, we may speak to God, and worship him. 1 Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing. God must have the praise of that which encourages our faith. And his providence must be acknowledged in events, whether small or big. Gideon went back and divided his 300 men into 3 battalion of 100 each and he, lead one battalion. They did not go into the war with guns, bow and arrows, sword and cutlass but with empty gar trumpets and torch lights. Faith and courage are working. If you are a devoted Christian God will always be with you. What did Jesus say in Luke 18:27? “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

The strategy:

Judges 7:20-22; At the command of Gideon each soldier, blew his trumpet, smashed his jar, and lifted up his torch light and shouted the sword of the Lord and of Gideon. The sound of the broken jar that is echoing together with the trumpet sound terrified the Midianites, and God set confusion amongst them and they started killing themselves.

“Let God arise and his enemies be scattered” One with God is in Majority. Gideon and his 300 men became the majority. Gideon and his men pursued those escaping and mopped up to end the hostility.

Other Lessons Learnt:

God uses tough times to get our attention. Give him yours today.

God provides that the praise of victory should be wholly to himself.

When God is in charge nothing can change the situation for worst. Mk 4:39

Many are called but few are chosen. Matt 22:14. Try to be one of those chosen.

God chooses those that are zealous for good work.

The 300 men that were left to execute that task did not grumble. Do not grumble or murmur for God’s work.

In doing the duties required by God, if one person withdraw do not look at him put your hand on the plough and move on the reward is marvelous.

Wherever we are, we may speak to God, and worship him.

The result of courage and commitment is victory.

God is interested in your courage.

Do not rely on your own strength and ability to fight the battles in our own life.” The doctors treat but healings come from God”. Take it to thy Lord in prayer.

Destroy that alter of Baal in your house otherwise you cannot, win any battle.

Do not count yourself amongst those who are afraid and are backsliding God will not use them.


Trust the unchanging promises of God.

Take every experience in life is a test and every trial in the lives of God’s people is tailored to draw us closer to God.

Psm. 68:1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. Do not be an enemy to someone otherwise when God arise you too will scatter.

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