Text:           1 Samuel 1:2b, 5b, 20

THEME: Do Not Be Discouraged

By;              Isaac D. Ekaragha

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Delay means when something does not happen or start when it should.

Outright means complete or total.

Denial as used in this discourse means refusal to comply with a request.


Most people, Christians inclusive get easily discouraged when their desires and requests have not been met. When God delays His answers to our prayers or requests, it could be frustrating to some people. If we do not have immediate responses, we tend to lose heart and give up. Some may even give up at the verge of their breakthrough. Most delays are a blessing in disguise.

Most times, we do not always tend to agree with how God is running the world and our lives, but the truth is, He makes the rules, not us. It is futile for us to complain about His plan for the world and our lives. It is wise to submit our lives to His agenda rather than fight His loving and perfect plan. Many times, we are too immature, impatient and blind to understand what God is doing in our lives. Romans 8:28

Though we are to accept God’s plan for our lives, it does not mean we should stop praying. We should not stop praying. We should continue to press and never quit. Luke 18:1.

God always answers our prayers in one way or the other. There are three notable ways God answers our prayers.

  1. Yes, you will have it at His specified time.
  2. Yes, but wait, be patient and trust Him (No time is given).
  3. No, You do not need it.


God is so good and loves us so much, why are there so many delays?

  1. We have an enemy. The devil hates and is against us receiving answers from God. Notice in Daniel 10:12-14 that God heard Daniel’s prayer, and dispatched angel Gabriel with a message for him. But Gabriel was hindered by a satanic adversary. Thus the response was delayed.
  2. God may delay His answers to our prayers so that He gets maximum glory and for us to be edified. John 11:1-4
  3. God may delay His answers to prayers as a result of sin; and to allow time for conviction, confession and repentance as He patiently waits for us. 2 Pet. 3:8-9, Psalm 66:18.


Now, going back to our text, we have some moral lessons to learn from Hannah’s attributes.

  • Hannah never allowed her predicament to impact on her relationship with God. She would usually go year by year to the house of the Lord at Shiloh to worship 1 Samuel 1:7.
  • She never accused God of wickedness and partiality. Rather, she reminded God to intervene. Verse 11
  • She was ever fervent in prayers, never discouraged. Verse 10
  • She was eager enough to make vow in addition to her supplication which she kept to the letter. 11, 28.
  • A very determined woman who was able to challenge God into action. 11
  • She was a woman of faith Vs 17-18


Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you Prov. 3:5-6, Matt. 7:7.

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