Text:     1 Kings 21:2, 10, 15 – 16, Gal. 5: 19 – 21

By:       Ekaragha Isaac

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EVIL means something that is wicked, depraved or immoral.

DESIRE is a feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. Therefore, evil or sinful desires are impulsive and expedient feelings of wanting of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.


Desires are normal natural phenomena in the life of a man but the manner in which to pursue and satisfy them to a legitimately justifiable conclusion is however a different ball game. Men and women struggle with different desires. These sinful or evil desires prompt one to be envious of our fellow beings’ achievement, wealth, marriage, home, beautiful body etc., and leading one into a great sin. The evil desire is the sinful nature referring to the negative side of the human nature.

The bible details three basic categories of the sinful nature. The lust of the flesh which includes and not limited to sexual immorality, murder, envy, wrath, witchcraft, strife, hatred, drunkenness etc., lust of the eyes which include pornography, covetousness, or desiring others material possessions, status, appearance etc. and pride in life including desires to get credit or glory for things that others (or GOD) did, desiring for others to worship or hold us in excess esteem, desiring to have power over others in a way that puffs up our ego or desiring to be more important than others around us. I John 2:16, Gal. 5: 19 – 21.


What would make a person have evil desire in the first place? After Adam and Eve had sinned against God, their human nature were corrupted. That is, they now had desires that were against God and His ways that would arise from their own hearts. All their children born after them have inherited sinful natures with arise in them. Those evil desires can cause evil thoughts in their minds.

As unbelievers, we were all enslaved to these desires. When we became Christians, we were freed from the domination of our desires, although they still exist and rise up in our hearts. That is, we now have the power to turn away from those desires and live a godly lives. Romans 6: 11–14.

Evil desires come up the moment one can no longer control and instill discipline over himself. God is not responsible for any man’s misdemeanor. “Let no one say when he is tempted that, I am being tempted by God, for God cannot be tempted with evil and He tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desires. The desire when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown brings forth death. James 1: 13–15.


The Bible is replete with many characters that were grossly engulfed by evil desires:

CASE I:                 King Ahab and Queen Jezebel who were reported to have gotten enormous material possessions were ironically greedy to have Naboth’s ancestral vineyard. Naboth’s refusal prompted Queen Jezebel to plot the death of the former to secure it for her husband. I Kings 21: 2, 10, 15 -16.

CASE II:               King Saul was envious was young David’s victories and popularity. He therefore made several attempts on his (David’s) life to restore relevance. I Sam. 18: 7–11, 19; 1, 10-11.

CASE III:             Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit against God’s instruction. Gen. 3:6.

CASE IV:             Gehazi, servant of Elisha covetously, secretly and unilaterally demanded gift from Naaman the leper. II Kings 5: 20, 22.

CASE V:               Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus – his mater and innocent Super being for no justifiable reasons for money. Matt. 26: 15; 27: 4 – 5.


  1. Lack of spiritual growth.
  2. Wrath of God is imminent.
  3. Untold mental anguish.
  4. Failure to achieve happiness.
  5. Intermittent sense of guilt.
  6. Hell bound on death.


  1. Ask of God through prayers. Christians are encouraged to pray without ceasing which may help avert difficult challenges and that God’s will be done. I Thess. 5:17, Mark 26:39b .
  2. Submit yourself to God. James 4: 7–8.
  3. Walk in the Spirit. Gal. 5:22 -23.
  4. Put your passion under control. I Peter 1:14, James 4:1–2.
  5. Put to death the sinful and earthly things working within you. Colossians 3:5.


All true Christians are enjoined to live righteously with God and humanity with the sole aim of enjoying eternity in Heaven eventually.

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