By:  Bro. Sunday Eyanrin (Evangelist)

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Last week, we went through a comprehensive analysis of (part 1) of this message. WHO DID GOD COMMAND TO GIVE OR PAY TITHE? How God brought out the children of Israel from the Egyptian bondage through His servant Moses and established Israel as a nation by giving them the ten commandment laws and the ordinances, thereby making Israel as His own special people.

Then, after the death of Moses, God commanded Joshua to take over from Moses. Those who entered the Promised Land were (2) souls, Joshua and Caleb, others were children.


Now Joshua the servant of the Lord, the son of Nun, worked before the Lord and led the children of Israel to the promise land.

Josh 24:1-7 – Then Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem and called for the elders of Israel, for their heads, for their judges, and for their officers; and they presented themselves before God. 2 And Joshua said to all the people, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘Your fathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, dwelt on the other side of the River in old times; and they served other gods Then I took your father Abraham from the other side of the River, led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants and gave him Isaac. 4 To Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. To Esau I gave the mountains of Seir to possess, but Jacob and his children went down to Egypt. 5 Also I sent Moses and Aaron, and I plagued Egypt, according to what I did among them. Afterward I brought you out. 6 ‘Then I brought your fathers out of Egypt, and you came to the sea; and the Egyptians pursued your fathers with chariots and horsemen to the Red Sea. 7 So they cried out to the Lord; and He put darkness between you and the Egyptians, brought the sea upon them, and covered them. And your eyes saw what I did in Egypt. Then you dwelt in the wilderness a long time – NKJV

13 I have given you a land for which you did not labour, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.’ 14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord!

 Josh 24:28-30 – So Joshua let the people depart, each to his own inheritance. 29 Now it came to pass after these things that Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being one hundred and ten years old. 30 And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Serah, which is in the mountains of Ephraim, on the north side of Mount Gaash. NKJV


Now the Lord had commanded Moses, saying, When the children of Israel comes out from the land of the Egyptian bondage to the land of promise, the land of Canaan, God command that the land be divided to the eleven tribes of the children of Israel. There is no land for the family of Levi. For God had commanded that their Inheritance is in the Tabernacle. In Num. 18:1-3, & 20 – 24, The Lord declared.

Num. 18:1-3

 Then the Lord said to Aaron:” You and your sons and your father’s house with you shall bear the iniquity related to the sanctuary, and you and your sons with you shall bear the iniquity associated with your priesthood. 2 Also bring with you your brethren of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of your father, that they may be joined with you and serve you while you and your sons are with you before the tabernacle of witness. 3 They shall attend to your needs and all the needs of the tabernacle; but they shall not come near the articles of the sanctuary and the altar, lest they die — they and you also. NKJV

Num 18:20-24 – Then the Lord said to Aaron: “You shall have no inheritance in their land, nor shall you have any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel.  21 “Behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tithes in Israel as an inheritance in return for the work which they perform, the work of the tabernacle of meeting. 22 Hereafter the children of Israel shall not come near the tabernacle of meeting, lest they bear sin and die. 23 But the Levites shall perform the work of the tabernacle of meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity; it shall be a statute forever, throughout your generations, that among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance. 24 For the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer up as a heave offering to the Lord, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance; therefore I have said to them, ‘Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.'” NKJV

IN Deut. 18:1-7, The Lord Further declared.

“The priests, the Levites — all the tribe of Levi — shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel; they shall eat the offerings of the Lord made by fire, and His portion. 2 Therefore they shall have no inheritance among their brethren; the Lord is their inheritance, as He said to them. 3 “And this shall be the priest’s due from the people, from those who offer a sacrifice, whether it is bull or sheep: they shall give to the priest the shoulder, the cheeks, and the stomach. 4 The firstfruits of your grain and your new wine and your oil, and the first of the fleece of your sheep, you shall give him. 5 For the Lord your God has chosen him out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of the Lord, him and his sons forever. 6 “So if a Levite comes from any of your gates, from where he dwells among all Israel, and comes with all the desire of his mind to the place which the Lord chooses, 7 then he may serve in the name of the Lord his God as all his brethren the Levites do, who stand there before the Lord. NKJV

Deut. 18:1-7 – “The priests, the Levites — all the tribe of Levi — shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel; they shall eat the offerings of the Lord made by fire, and His portion. 2 Therefore they shall have no inheritance among their brethren; the Lord is their inheritance, as He said to them. 3 “And this shall be the priest’s due from the people, from those who offer a sacrifice, whether it is bull or sheep: they shall give to the priest the shoulder, the cheeks, and the stomach. 4 The firstfruits of your grain and your new wine and your oil, and the first of the fleece of your sheep, you shall give him. 5 For the Lord your God has chosen him out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of the Lord, him and his sons forever. 6 “So if a Levite comes from any of your gates, from where he dwells among all Israel, and comes with all the desire of his mind to the place which the Lord chooses, 7 then he may serve in the name of the Lord his God as all his brethren the Levites do, who stand there before the Lord. NKJV


As it is commanded by God to the children of Israel. There are four (4) types of Tithes the Lord has commanded for the children of Israel.



Since the Levites have no Inheritance along with the rest of the children of Israel, God has ordained in Nums.18:20 – 24, the Regular Tithe. Read also DEUT. 18:1 – 7.

Then the Lord said to Aaron: “You shall have no inheritance in their land, nor shall you have any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel. 21 “Behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tithes in Israel as an inheritance in return for the work which they perform, the work of the tabernacle of meeting. 22 Hereafter the children of Israel shall not come near the tabernacle of meeting, lest they bear sin and die. 23 But the Levites shall perform the work of the tabernacle of meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity; it shall be a statute forever, throughout your generations, that among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance. 24 For the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer up as a heave offering to the Lord, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance; therefore I have said to them, ‘Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.'” NKJV


The Tithe of Tithe is the Tithe commanded by God to the Levites, to be given to God, as recorded in Num. 18:25 – 28.

25 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 26 “Speak thus to the Levites, and say to them: ‘When you take from the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them as your inheritance, then you shall offer up a heave offering of it to the Lord, a tenth of the tithe. 27 And your heave offering shall be reckoned to you as though it were the grain of the threshing floor and as the fullness of the winepress. 28 Thus you shall also offer a heave offering to the Lord from all your tithes which you receive from the children of Israel, and you shall give the Lord’s heave offering from it to Aaron the priest. NKJV


The Annual Tithe is a unique Tithe. It is unique because, it is a Tithe that is not paid or given to any other person. The eleven Tribes of the children of Israel are commanded to travel with their families to Jerusalem and consume the Tithe at Jerusalem. Deut. 14:22 – 27.

22 “You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year. 23 And you shall eat before the Lord your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, the tithe of your grain and your new wine and your oil, of the firstborn of your herds and your flocks, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always. 24 But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, or if the place where the Lord your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, when the Lord your God has blessed you, 25 then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand, and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses. 26 And you shall spend that money for whatever your heart desires: for oxen or sheep, for wine or similar drink, for whatever your heart desires; you shall eat there before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice, you and your household. 27 You shall not forsake the Levite who is within your gates, for he has no part nor inheritance with you. NKJV


The Lord has commanded by law that all the Children of Israel by the end of every three years will bring all the Tithe of the year to the Levites, and the strangers, the fatherless, widows and orphans will benefit from it. Let us consider the following scriptures. Deut.14:28 – 29, & Deut.26:12 – 13.

Deut. 14:28-29 – 28 “At the end of every third year you shall bring out the tithe of your produce of that year and store it up within your gates. 29 And the Levite, because he has no portion nor inheritance with you, and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are within your gates, may come and eat and be satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do. NKJV

Deut. 26:12-13 – “When you have finished laying aside all the tithe of your increase in the third year — the year of tithing — and have given it to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, so that they may eat within your gates and be filled, 13 then you shall say before the Lord your God: ‘I have removed the holy tithe from my house, and also have given them to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me; I have not transgressed Your commandments, nor have I forgotten them. NKJV

Deut. 14:28-29 – 28 “At the end of every third year you shall bring out the tithe of your produce of that year and store it up within your gates. 29 And the Levite, because he has no portion nor inheritance with you, and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are within your gates, may come and eat and be satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do. NKJV



11 Therefore, if perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should rise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be called according to the order of Aaron? 12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law. 13 For He of whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe, from which no man has officiated at the altar. 14 For it is evident that our Lord arose from Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood. 15 And it is yet far more evident if, in the likeness of Melchizedek, there arises another priest 16 who has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life. 17 For He testifies: “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.“ NKJV   


18 For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness, 19 for the law made nothing perfect; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God. NKJV


But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. 8 Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah —   9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says the Lord 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.  11 None of them shall teach his neighbour, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.  12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”  13 In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.


The Death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross brought an end to the Old Testament laws, therefore, abolished. Col. 2:14-17 – 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. 16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. NKJV 


Brethren, it has become necessary that we point out some of the human Innovations that the Denominational Churches has added into the Jewish Tithe.


 Due to greed for making money in the Denominational Churches, Tithe card has been introduced by the various Denominational Churches to monitor effectively the payment of each of their members Tithe.   This is an addition to God’s command. Deut. 4:2, Rev. 22:18 -19.

Rev. 22:18-19 – 18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. NKJV

Deut 4:2 – 2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. NKJV

  1. THE CONSEQUENCE OF VIOLATING THE PAYMENT OF TITHE  BY HER MEMBERS                                                           

It is amazing to note that, when a member of these Denominational Church fails to pay his or her Tithe, the Tithe card will show. And if such member happens to die, the church will first check the Tithe card of such member, and if it happens that the dead member has not paid his or her Tithe up to date, the church will not bury such member, Except the children or the family pay up such dues, then the church will now bury such member. Where do you find such practice in the law given the Children of Israel? In Matt.15:7 – 9, Jesus declared.

Matt 15:7-9 – 7 – Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:  8 “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honour Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'”  NKJV


The primary reason for the Denominational churches in collecting Tithe, which has been abolished by God, is to make merchandise of her members. 2 Peter 2:3.

3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingered not, and their damnation slumber – KJV 


The Bible is not silent on this matter. Since the New Testament Church is a divine Institution from God, God has put in place all that is scripturally necessary for the up keep of the needs of the Church. Hence, Apostle Paul was Inspired in 1 Cor. 16:1- 2, and 2 Cor. 9: 6 – 9, as he declared.

1 Cor. 16:1-2 – 16 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: 2 On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come. NKJV

2 Cor. 9:6-9 – 6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 9 As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.“ NKJV


Brethren, after a systematic analysis of this message, you will agree with the Scriptures that, God did not Command the Patriarchal Dispensation to pay or give Tithe, nor did God Command the Christians in the Christian Dispensation to pay or give Tithe. But God specifically commanded the Jews, the Children of Israel to pay or Give Tithe. After the change of the Priesthood, and the Law, at the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross, the Old Testament laws became obsolete. Col. 2:14- 17. And that brought the Tithe law to an end. 2 John 9. 

Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. NKJV

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