Text: Luke 8:11-15
By: Daniel Idogar
In Today we shall be taking a closer look at the parable of the sower.
Over time, we have focused on the sower, the seed, and the four kinds of hearts where the seed fell on.
We have emphasized on how we need to know the kind of hearts we have and go for heart surgery if necessary.
But in this passage, Jesus also passed a message about how the word of God leaves our hearts.
He paints through a parable that though some hearts are faulty, there are thieves who come to steal these words from our hearts.
They are THIEVES IN AMBUSH; waiting, patient enough, to seize the right moment to strike.
Jesus narrated the condition of the first heart. He said these kind of persons are those by the wayside, who hear, but the devil comes to snatch the word from their hearts.
This is one of several places in the Bible where Satan is shown to be dangerous and cunning.
It takes someone with a lot of planning and strategizing to steal anything of any sort. Satan is skilled and Christians must realize this – Genesis 3:1
- Satan is the first thief that was mentioned here. He waits patiently for one to hear the word and then he comes in to steal.
- He messes with our thoughts. You begin to hear several opinions in your mind, and a few of them are the devil speaking – 2 Corinthians 11:3
- He sells the traditionalist idea to you over growth and maturity. Such that there’s no opening for the word to germinate, your heart becomes like that which is seared with a hot iron.
- He steals again by elevating you and demoting the man of God. He tells you “who is that one talking?”. So that when He’s done, though you heard, but you do not believe.
- He sells to you the propaganda of low self-esteem; “I cannot be..”, “It’s beyond me”, “It’s beyond the church”, “This project is too big”, “We cannot do it” – 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians. 413
- To combat the strategy of the devil, we must pray fervently.
- We must be a true convert and not just a member of the Church of Christ.
- A true convert is an open minded person, a true convert humbles himself no matter how long he has been a Christian. A true convert knows he is born of the spirit and can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens him. So nothing is too big for a true convert.
The second heart condition sounded a little better.
Jesus said these persons are the ones on the rock who hear the word and receive it with joy, but they have no root. And that is why they fall into the hands of the second thief in ambush; TEMPTATION.
Temptations must come. It is a critical time and phase in the lives of Christians.
The period of temptation can make a man forget his Maker. Temptations on several levels can make you despise yourself.
But temptation is necessary to produce a patient and trusted man – James 1: 2 – 4
- You cannot be trusted unless you are tested.
- Even in the kingdom of God, test is necessary to prove your allegiance to Christ – 1 Corinthians 10:13.
- Many of us want the glory but not the trial. We want the cake but don’t want anything to do with the ingredients.
- When the thief, temptation comes, we often fall by the wayside because WE HAVE NO ROOT.
- To overcome these temptations, you need foundation.
- You need to be rooted to pass the test. You need knowledge of God and have a relationship with Him –Philippians 3:10
- You need to understand Him, how He works, His timing, His nature, His purpose, and His attractions.
- Stop knowing God through your preacher and pastor only, know God for yourself. Pray and talk with Him.
- Pray every time and pray for everything. Pray when you are hungry, pray when you are full. Pray when you are seeking, pray when you have found. Pray when you are in prison, pray when you are free. Pray when you are blind, pray when you can see. Pray when you are blessed, pray when you bless others.
- The prayer culture is very important, men and women must learn to pray. Prayer shouldn’t always be too formal. Develop a relationship with God, let the Holy Spirit speak to you.
- When you do this, and temptation comes, you may be shaken but not defeated. Because you have a solid foundation.
Jesus went on to talk about the heart that is full of thorns.
He said these people actually hear, but when they go out, they are choked by the thief who snatches the word from their heart.
This thief in ambush is what Christ called the Cares, Riches and Pleasures of this life.
The cares of life will never end. Worry is a thief that steals through the backdoor. It likes to come in silence and leave aloud with serious damages.
- Worry is like a motivational speaker that tells you he started his poultry farm with a feather of a fowl, so you can be bold enough to venture into it and fail. Because truly, you must surely fail. It’s a mirage.
- When the word falls on our hearts, the cares of life snatches it. It reminds you of what you haven’t solved yet. It reminds you of your limitations, your failures, it tells you that whatever is being preached is less important.
- Stop holding on to what is bigger than you. Lay your crowns and cares before the Lord. There are things that only God can settle. There are things that you can settle but will still fail unless you lay it before the Lord. Every care must be brought to the Lord.
- The riches and pleasures of life is another dangerous thief in ambush. It tells you, you have arrived and you must enjoy.
- There’s nothing bad in enjoyment but the pleasures of life will take you deeper than you expect.
- It tells you “let’s go clubbing” but doesn’t tell you all that it entails.
- It tells you that Christianity too boring and you have to be exciting. So it says you don’t need to dress this way or that, you can be free and do your thing, and that your heart is what is most important.
- This thief works by deception and is a sweet talker.
- The riches and pleasures of life may use people you love to sponsor the lifestyle it sells.
- Beware of who you marry! Beware of what you obey! Beware of what you sanction.
We have heard of the sower. We know the seed is the word of God. We understand that the various places the seeds fell on are the hearts of men. And yes, it’s our hearts we are talking about.
To that, let’s add the need to be vigilant of these thieves in ambush.
Guard your heart! Proverbs 4:23. Lest the word is snatched by the devil, or time of trials, or the care, riches and pleasures of this life.
Brethren, the word of God is too precious to let go by being nonchalant to the tactics of the thieves in ambush.
May God help us to guard our hearts and his words in Jesus Name – Amen.