Text:    Mark 5:25-34, Luke 13:10

By:      Bro. Jude Obomedaire 

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A lot of Christians have left their position in Christ in the things of God because of the pressure of their life, some of left the church to seek answer to their life challenges. Of a truth, we are facing so many challenges in life. Some are in our family, marriages, society, education, business, offices, health etc. You know exactly what your challenges are and what your desires are. Today we are going to admonish ourselves with the life of two women in the bible.

Meaning of Terms 

Stay: To remain in a place or position, to show endurance.

Wait: To remain in a state of repose, until something expected happens. To delay action until the arrival of occurrence.

  • Luke 8:41-48 contains a story of two individuals with serious challenges but we are going to focus on the woman with the issue of blood, hemorrhage, menstruation irregularity in women. According to the Old Testament law, the woman cannot come in the midst of people because she is unclean. She had visited several doctors because of her challenge. She had spent all she had in treating herself. She had suffered this health challenge for good 12 years. Some of us are like this woman. We have one challenge or the other that have linger long even more than this woman but the difference is that some of us are just staying but not waiting and have given up. We staying, but with heavy heart, with a guess faith/hope. 
  • She was rejected by Law: When we pass through a challenge for a very long time, people tends to leave/abandon us like this woman.
  • She Never Gave Up Waiting: She knew that it’s only Jesus that has the power to cure, heal her from her sickness despite all the doctors’ report – 28.
  • We should Not Listen To What People Say About Us in our tough situation/worse condition of life – I strongly believe people have said a lot of ill words about her condition/situation but she was intrusively motivated to wait on Christ along the road – No matter what people say about us, God has the final say.
  • She Took A Bold Step: In a normal sense, she was not supposed to be in the midst of people because she was unclean – but she did all she could to wait for Christ to get her miracle.
  • She Presses: why waiting on God, we should learn to be aggressive against every negative advice, obstacles 27. Satan will always be there to remind us of how unclean, how rejected we are, he will always put obstacles to prevent us from having contact with God. Thus we must learn to fight every negative thought in our heart because that will be our greatest enemy (our heart). The crowd/Jairus were her obstacle – Vs. 22-23.    
  • A Touch with a Purpose: this woman came to Jesus with a purpose, a believe that she will be made whole. She did not just come to see Christ. After 12years she still had a purpose, a believe that Christ can solve her problems – thus she never went home empty.
  • She kept her faith all these years – Vs. 34.
  • She waited for Christ to Pass
  • She made a calculated move

NB: Even when we come to church to worship, we should come to God with the purpose of being blessed with lessons, singing, healing etc. but we sometimes come to worship without any expectation – thus we come to service empty and return home empty.

  • We Should Always Be in Christ Presence: Luke 13:10 – One thing that was special in the life of this woman was that she was in the presence of God. So, it was with the woman that has suffered infirmity for 18years. One thing special with her was that she was always coming to the synagogue/church. We should learn not to forsake the assembly of God because of challenge, assuming she was not there that very day she could not receive her healing.


No matter what we are passing through in life, no matter how long the trial(s) had lingered, we should learn to stay and wait for Christ. He has the power to change our situation but we must learn to seek Him first like these women.

May God bless His words in our heart and may He give us the strength to stay and wait on Him in Jesus Name – Amen.

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