Text:             Exodus 3:1-4

By:                Idogar, Daniel

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Exodus 3 introduces a significant change in the deliverance of God’s people from Egypt.

From God’s providential dealings in the life of the nation Israel, we move to God’s direct intervention through Moses and the miracles performed by Him.

This is a very significant point of transition. It begins with the revelation of God to Moses from the midst of the burning bush.

The day started out like any other. The leather-skinned shepherd expected nothing out of the ordinary because after forty years of sheep tending (cf. Acts 7:30) Moses’ life had become all too predictable.

Looking for richer pasture, Moses led his father-in-law’s flock to the west or back side of the wilderness, to Mt. Horeb.

In the distance, something caught the keen eye of Moses and snapped him out of his thoughts. Something was burning in the distance. A more careful look proved it to be a bush. In and of itself, this would hardly be the cause of much excitement or interest, but as time passed the bush seemed unaffected by the flames. It burned, but did not burn up.

Since there was no real hurry and the sight of the bush had aroused Moses’ curiosity, he set out to have a closer look.


Moses had been shepherding the flocks for 40 years and he seemed to have carved out a niche in what he was doing. He probably may have gained experience and even wealth from it. He may have even believed that was his calling.

But God had other plans. Apparently, Moses had been heading in the wrong direction but he never knew. It only takes one incident to define your life.

You can be a Christian for years and don’t know where you’re headed unless you can pay attention to God’s details.

Direction is not a matter of route, it is a matter of understanding.  Moses paid attention and his life changed forever. He went from shepherding flocks to shepherding people. He went from a murderer to God’s own messenger. He went from a life without God to numerous meetings with God.

Where are you headed? Are you paying attention to God’s will for you?

Sometimes it’s not where you are going that matters, it is where God wants you to go. But where you are may be so pleasing, comforting, and stress free. Yes even the lifestyle we choose may not be God’s plan for us. But you can only know God’s intentions for you if you pay attention –  Proverbs 16:9


Moses called the burning bush a great sight. Moses had the gift of noticing divine things and giving credit to who deserves it. It is not everyone that understands the ministry of recognition and appreciation. Moses recognized and appreciated what he saw because he knew it was divine. ‘

There is a great sight in every situation. We have been so manually wired to look for great things in beauty and splendor. No wonder we think success is about money and fame. No wonder we feel a great building makes a great church. No wonder we mistake the rich to be benevolent and the kind to be stupid. We have mismatched our priorities looking for great things in the wrong places. What you call a sickness is actually God working out his testimony in you.

The grass is not greener on the other side, the grass is greener on the God-side. We forget that God’s best creation came from mere dust.

It takes grace and deep understanding to know that even in your bad situation God should be recognized and appreciated.

We make the mistake too often to recognize the Good Good Father only in the Good times. No!

In the bad times, God remains good. His goodness doesn’t increase or decrease; his goodness is not conditional or better as the years roll. His goodness is constant, and his miracles are very sure.

In any situation you call a chaos God must be glorified. In that sickness you call a problem, there is a great sight to behold. When you pay attention to the situation you are going through, you will find out that it is a great sight that you are not yet consumed.

It is very easy for a big miracle to overshadow a small miracle. About the day of Pentecost, nobody talks about how Peter’s voice was able to reach to 3,000 people, but everyone talks about the flaming tongues as of fire and speaking in tongues. Appreciate the little things. The little things matter too!


When Moses saw this great sight, he decided to go over to find out WHY this bush is not consumed.

Moses so paid attention to every detail that he didn’t mind approaching this wonderful sight to know the reason behind the situation. Moses was asking the right questions and that pleased God to call him.

Moses could have cherished and revered God’s miracle only, maybe fall down on his knees and worship this awesomeness, but he decided to know why. God does not do things for no reason.

We are always quick to ask – why has this bad thing happened to me? Why me? We shouldn’t ask WHY only when bad things happen.

When God work mightily in our lives we must ask WHY ME? Why did you choose to reveal yourself to me in this manner? Why did you choose to bless me in this manner? Why did you choose to save me in this manner? Why me? What’s so special in me? When we do that then it means we are ready for a new journey with God; a deeper fellowship with God. And it will show that we do not take God’s miracles for granted.

When Moses took the bold step to find out why the bush is not consumed, God called on him.

There are attitudes God cannot resist; they are like positive triggers on Him.

God cannot resist an attentive man, a humble man and a broken man. In this case Moses was so attentive, he himself drew God’s attention. Getting God’s attention is not so difficult after all, is it? Just pay attention.


Paying attention is a mark of respect. It shows one values the other person.

Moses displayed this character and God’s miracle of the burning bush was not in vain.

God speaks in various ways and sometimes through his blessings and our predicaments.

We must develop our senses to see the very details, recognize God in action and appreciate everything that comes our way. You may be going in the wrong direction because you have not been paying attention.

Why don’t you stop, turn, look and ask God the right questions.

May God help us to pay attention to Him in Jesus name – Amen.

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