By:           Bro. Ekaragha Isaac

Text:       Acts 8:36-38

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Literally speaking hay is grass that has been cut, dried and used as food for animals especially in the past. It would take many days’ farmers to cut, days to gather hay. For a best result, it is prepared when there is adequate sunshine.

However, for the benefit of the admonition, making hay while the sunshine is an idiomatic expression which means making good use of opportunity or condition while they east. In other words, it means to take the opportunity to do something now, because you may not be able to do it later. Taking an action or making a decision favorable for one at the appropriate time takes the grace of God to remain rational in the decision making process.

Christians should be diligent in making use of any opportunity open to them in their spiritual and physical endeavors as such decision may induce either positive or negative consequences.

Spiritually minded Christian are always enjoined to embrace the positive perspective of any opportunity. Mankind physical and spiritual level of success is largely dependent upon the quality of decision made asking from any available opportunity. These may affect one’s social, economic, marital, educational fortunes etc.


They may either be spiritual or physical.

The encounter of the Ethiopian Eunuch with Phillip being willing to get baptized at the slightest opportunity upon receipt of the message of salvation. And they went on their way, they came to certain water, and the eunuch said, see, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Phillip said, if thou believeth with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still, and they went down both into the water, both Phillip and the eunuch, and he baptized him – Acts 8: 36-38

The healing of the lane man at the beautiful gate by peter was another case of making use of an opportunity. Peter could have requested passes by to make some money available to satisfy the man immediate need. Rather, he said, silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give i thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth arise and walk. Acts 3: 6.

The disciples at Damascus made good of an opportunity by saving Saul (Paul) life from the plot by the Jews to kill him. Acts 9: 25.

Paul’s submission to the higher authority of Jesus chariots on his encounter with him. He could have resisted the instruction of Christ to become a Christian Acts 9:6, 18.

The jailer and his household. Acts 16: 30-33

The first set of the disciple of Jesus Christ made good use of the opportunity of their invitation by becoming fishers of men rather than fishes – Mathew 4: 18-22.


Governor Felix was amazed at Apostle Paul’s defense and preaching of the gospel before him. However, Felix could not embrace the gospel and repent. Rather he decided to defer his repentance, so to say, to a convenient season which never came up Acts 24:25.

Herodias who had demanded for the head of john the Baptist at the occasion of the king’s birthday anniversary when her daughter danced to the admiration of the king and his invited guests. Mathew 14:8, 11.

Cain made a negative sense of the opportunity he had – Gen. 4:8


God’s guidance is the ultimate. Christians should exercise restraint and wisdom in dealing with any opportunities open to them as some might pose negative consequences at the end. Mathew 10: 16.

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