Text:            Mark 11:20-22

By:               JOEL, UTO

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Jesus Christ cursed a fig tree earlier on. And true to it the following morning the disciples drew the attention of Christ to it that the tree has withered. Thus, Jesus Christ responded, “Have Faith in God.” These four words of Christ would be our topic for exhortation today.

Christians are expected to walk by faith and not by sight 2 Cor. 5:7. Faith is the trust, a belief in God; a conviction of who God is, what He    can do, what He has done. God is spirit whom            should be served in Spirit by Faith. But faith and hope put together should be seen in us walking with God. Hence in the book of Hebrews, Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen” Heb. 11:1. If it is seen, it is no longer the required Faith and Hope to walk with God Rom.8:24. We must serve God in the realm of Faith. Therefore, in time like this when the forces of evil are seeking to take control of our minds and our       society is be-clouded with all  manners of evil practices, “we should cast down arguments and every high things that exact itself against the Knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” 2 Cor. 10:5.

First, we should have faith in the person of God, that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him; Heb. 11:6. In the display of our faith, Christians should be wise in the face of all situations, avoid copycat. The wise man In proverb, four says wisdom is a principle thing, we should get It in all our doings with understanding, Prov. 4:7.

The Bible accounts of men of faith and events that showed faith should on a daily basis reaffirm our faith or       trust in God. For example, on one account Peter toiled all day in the river to catch fish yet could not but at   the words of Christ who told him to throw his net into a seem less place where there could be fish. And without asking or doubting hesitation peter plunged his net back into the        river. Guess what?  The fishes caught were unimaginably   huge to the extent that assistance has to be sought! Luke 5:1-8, John 21:3-6.

This incidence can happen, and it does happen in the life of Christians; only believe in God. There are several reasons in the Bible and bible events that we should have faith in God. Firstly, God exists on His own and we can so prove or affirm this; Gen. 1:1, Psm. 14:1. We should learn to have faith in the person of God.

Our salvation or the salvation of man should be a total believe and compliance in and to God; that He exists but a “rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” Heb 11:6; Let us so operate in that level.

When Jehoshaphat led the army of Judah against Ammon and Moab, he urged his people: “Believe in the Lord your God and you  shall  be  established (Victorious); Believe His prophets (Today’s teachings) and you shall prosper 2 Chron. 20:20 cf 3 Jno. 2.

We become victorious and prosperous when we put our trust and hope in the person and power of God.

We    should   have   faith    in    the    power   of    God. God is so very powerful.  He is Almighty. He demonstrated this to Abraham, Moses and others in the scriptures Gen 17:1; Exo. 6:1-3. Nothing is too hard for God. Gen 18:14, Luke 1:37, Matt 19:26.

We should have faith in God by taking time to appreciate the works of God at creation – Psalms 139:14. He made all things just by the breath of his mouth. “For He spoke, and it was done He commanded, and it stood” – Psm. 33:6;9. Think about the power of God in miraculously providing a way for Israel to cross the red sea Exo.14:13. Surely, our God is. Almighty. He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him (Christ} Heb 7:25. God will keep that which is entrusted to Him, He is our confidant – 2 Tim. 1:12. He will make all grace abound, that we may have “an abundance for every good work” 2 Cor. 9:6-9. He will do exceedingly, abundantly, above  all that we ask or think – Eph. 2:20. Let us have faith in Him.

We should have Faith in God for His providence. Providence is a word we use to describe God’s working through, and in agreement with the physical laws that operate in the world. God performs or influences the process of healing in us through providence. And these healings become faster, quicker when our faith in Him is so big! God works providentially in the lives of men. God promised that “all things work together for good to those who love Him”. Rom 8:28. This shows His divine providence at work. We must accept and appreciate God’s providence by the belief that God blesses His people in this present world. For example, in Luke 6:38, Christ said, “Give and it will be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into you…” In Mark 10:28·30, Peter says, ”See we have left all and followed you. And Jesus answered and said, Assuredly, I say unto you there is no man… receive hundred-fold now in this time, houses, and brethren and sisters…”

Matt. 6:33But seek ye first the   kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

We should trust God with all our hearts for everything because He takes us into his care, 1 Peter 5:7; Luke 12:7.

We should have Faith in the presence of God. He is omnipresent meaning where ever we are, we  are always in His presence. Psalm 139:7-12.

God is above us. He is “above all, and through all, and in you all” – Eph. 4:6. God is around us; He surrounds us as the mountains surround Jerusalem, Psm. 125:2.

When we realize the presence of God, we live better; He keeps us from  secret sins; He sustain us in trials; He strengthen us in temptation, He fortify us in persecution, He comfort us in dying, He encourage us in  praying. (Psm. 19:12; Eccl.12:14; Psm.46; 1 Cor. l0:13; 2 Tim. 4:17; Acts 7:54-60;1 Pet. 3:9).

We should have Faith In the promises of God: God’s promise endures forever; He must bring it to fulfilment; He does not fail at all!

Abraham relied on the promise of God  and waited on Him and he was blessed. Rom. 4:20-22. God is not  slack concerning His promises. 2 Pet. 3:9; His promises are great and precious. 1 Pet. 1:4.

We should have Faith in the pron1ises of God He has for us who are His children. Isaiah 55:10-11.

We should have Faith in the precepts of God. Precepts are commands or principles intended especially as a general rule of action; an order issued by legally constituted            authority to a subordinate official. This is what the Bible should be for us!

Let us be like Paul, let us come to say: “… I believed God that it shall be even as it was told me” Acts 27:24-25.  Let us also be like the Thessalonians, “… we should receive the word “not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God.” 1 Thess.  2:13.

CONCLUSION: Let me end the sermon in the words according to Marshall Keeble, he said, “Brethren, whatever the good Lord tells me to do in this blessed book (The Holy Bible) that I am going to do. If I see in it that I must jump through a stone wall; I am going to jump and leave it to God to provide the hole.” Let us operate at this great level of Faith.

May our faith never waver, instead, may we ever believe that God means what He says and says what He means. His words can be trusted! Thus believing, we Will trust His person, his promises; we heed His warnings and obey His commands.


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