Text:           II Timothy 3:1-5)

By:               Jeremiah Emakpor

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Signs of the end-time are here; they are very much visible now more than ever before. Yes, the godlessness in the last days spoken about in the bible is very much with us now                               (II Timothy 3:1-5).

 Indeed, mankind is becoming more irreligious by the day. Many are they who are indifferent to God and the things of God.

Worship centres are being converted to night clubs in some countries already.

There is much attack on Christendom lately. Christianity is being referred to as a white man religion. That, Africans have their traditional religion which they should not abandon for a foreign one.

That, why should Africans still identify with Christianity that its owners are abandoning in number.

They say we were better with the traditional religion before the white man brought Christianity to Africa.

Religion, Christianity in particular, is being seen as the cause of the under development that is the lot of the Africa continent. They say the black man spends too much time in praying than working.

However, it must be noted here that the denominational Christians are not helping matters in this regard.

What with the manner and rate at which they are founding churches here and there continually, coupled with the way they are being organized and operated – churches are now being regarded as business organisations.

Emphasis on miracles, prosperity and tithes messages over salvation and righteous living has further aided this assertion.

Display of affluence and opulence by the owners of these churches have worsen the situation.

The Bible has not been spared of attacks either. It is being discredited on a regular basis to the extent of being regarded as a book that is written by the whites to guide and regulate mankind in moral living.

The attackers are still in the business of looking for loopholes to denigrate the Holy Book.

Sadly, man has become so unholy in his conduct, appearance and utterances. We now have transgender, bisexual, crossdressers in the world, in addition to gay and lesbians.

Same sex marriage and abortion have been legalized in some countries even right in the church with the support of some religious bodies while others are contemplating following suit. And this is not limited to the laity: the so called priests and clergy of the world are professed gays or lesbians.

In fact, men are becoming more effeminate by the day. Some men are now feminine in appearance; they plait, perm and weave their hair like women; others have afro, curly hair and dreadlocks. Still, there are some who wear earrings like female.

Besides, indecent dressing has since become the order of the day, particularly by our female folks. It is getting worse with the passing of time.

Private-parts-revealing attires are seen and worn everywhere, the worship centres inclusive. Skimpy and body-hug clothes are being adorn by our women, shamelessly.

Clothes that were exclusive for use by prostitutes in brothels are now being worn in the public. An attire that a man may not be courageous enough to wear outside, may be worn by a woman without blushing.

Indecent dressing is not limited to women as men are equally involved by way of sagging their trousers and shorts thereby exposing their pants and boxers.

Cultism, prostitution and drug addiction are on the increase among the youth, likewise ritualism and yahoo-yahoo (scammers).

Prostitution is no longer restricted to brothels; it is now done in hotels and even homes in the guise of ‘runs’ and ‘hook-up’.

Yes, many are they who are now prostitutes but only a   few are found in ashewo quarters.

Again, adultery, fornication and divorce have since taken a frightening dimension.

They have become a phenomenon and made to look normal. Similarly, yahoo-yahoo has been trivialised that people no longer see it as a crime but a way of life.

Some of the perpetrators have equally received the blessings and support of their parents thereby giving them boldness to upgrade to the deadly version of yahoo-plus. It has been made to look harmless.

Of course, the number of our youths that are into cultism and drug addiction is worrisome. Girls are not left out in both crimes. Both acts were done on school campuses initially but they have been taken to the streets nowadays.

Men are now lovers of themselves: selfish, self-centred. They are covetous, greedy and revel in avarice, especially the political leaders who are stealing public money and amassing stupendous wealth.

Materialism is on the rise. Evil is being glorified and good despised. A youth who decides to keep his/her virginity till marriage is seen as being abnormal.

A student who decides to shun exam malpractice is mocked and ridiculed.

The same goes for a worker who desists from fraud and embezzlement; he is tagged a holy-holy and made to look and feel bad. An honest person who finds and returns a lost-and-found money is referred to as a “suffer head” (Isaiah 5:20-21).

 Political appointees are made to believe that stealing of public funds is their right hence they are celebrated by family members, friends and associates when appointed into office, instead of being seen and treated as thieves. Stubbornness, disobedience and ungratefulness of children to parents have gotten to an alarming level.

People have become very erratic, boastful, proud and without self-control. Mankind has become less affectionate and high-minded.

We should be aware of these signs and be guided accordingly in Jesus name.

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