Text:  Philippians 4:11

By:   Bro. Jeremiah Emakpor (Deacon)

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Imagine you could only afford a half-filled glass of drink. What would your answer be if asked to comment on the quantity of your drink? That you have a half-full glass of drink or a half-empty glass of drink? Though you are correct with any of the answers above as your response. While the former one is a reflection of a contented mind, the latter is borne our dissatisfaction.

While the eyes of the contented man are drawn to the liquid content of the glass, those of the discontented man are focused more on the emptiness of the glass. If you found yourself eating a bun because you could not afford an eggroll, what would be your feelings? Will you be confident to say that the bun you are eating is actually an eggroll without the egg> if your answer is in the affirmative, a remarkable contented man has been found in you.

If you find yourself side by side a man who is eating an eggroll, what will your feeling be? Blushed, embarrassed or humiliated? If it is any of the above, it means you have never realized that some cannot afford the bun you have.

With whom do you always like to compare yourself? Is it with someone better than you or someone worse than you? While the former breeds discontentment, contentment is the hallmark of the latter.

Are you crying that you have only one pair of shoes? Think of the man that has 20 pairs of shoes but has lost a leg to amputation.

Are you downcast because you do not have a cap to wear? Then think of that one who though having 20 caps yesterday, does not have a head to put them on today.

Are you the one who can easily afford three square meals a day but grumbling that such meals are not salad, fried rice, chicken, sandwich etc? I hope you have not forgotten that some find it difficult to have even two squared meals a day, and therefore would not mind if they are food like eba, akpu and amala.

Moreover, remember that life is much more than eating and drinking – Matthew 6:25.

Do you always brood because you have not been able to acquire the latest dress in town for lack of money? Or do you always vent your anger on your spouse that he has not been able to provide you with such a dress? If your answer is yes, don’t forget that there are some who cannot afford the one that was in vogue even five (5) years ago.

Again, a contented man is concerned about a dress his money can buy, especially the one that can cover his nakedness. Do you consider your waking up from sleep every morning a right and not a privilege? Remember that not all who go to bed, wake up the next day.

Do you sleep like a baby whenever you go to bed? Behold those who are suffering from insomnia and so cannot sleep without the aid of drugs.

Are you as fit as a fiddle most of the time? Behold those who cannot afford to move without their drugs as companion or are bed-ridden at home or hospital. You are always hungry and ready to eat! Behold those who although have enough to eat but do not have the appetite to do so (Ecclesiastes 6:2).

You are worried that you do not have a female or male child! Think of those who have not gotten any and imagine the agony they go through.

You have a roof over your head but troubled that you are yet to build your own house! Reflect on those who are homeless.

You are complaining that you do not have a well-paid job! Please think of the jobless ones. Behold a contented man in giving! He will not wait until all his personal needs are taken care of before giving to God or a fellow human being. Is it not a fact of life that man’s need is endless and insatiable? They keep coming up day by day?

This sermon is by no means preaching against ambition. It is only advocating contentment at every level of life (1 Timothy 6:8). Afterall, there is discontentment in plenty (King David, King Ahab).


“…godliness with contentment is gain” 1 Timothy 6:6.

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