Theme:   -The Potter and Clay

By:                   Bro. Esivwe Avwokpeta

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In the discovery of the formation of man, it is clearly shown that in the woman’s system, thousands of sperms struggle to break through, but only one finally break in to form zygote. Just imagine you are not that sperm that made it through, where would you have been in the face of existence?

            What if the things you fear most, happens? We want to advice ourselves with the question before us “Who can question God?”. We must acknowledge and accept the mystery in the scheme of life event as what God has designed. It is an absolute truth that should always be in our consciousness that, it is completely Go’s divine right to choose and do whatsoever He wishes that will affect the entire system because He is the Almighty all authoritative and self-existing God.

            Children of God must cultivate connected relationship that can enable us not to question His eternal actions and purpose in the situations of life. When we are hard-pressed to a breaking point in life, we are tempted to ask God, “Why me?”, “Why should this happen?”, “Where is this just God?” Isa. 55:8,9, Lam. 3:37-38.

            We shall view quickly case studies from the scriptures how awesome our God can exercise His divine purpose upon His creatures (humans).


  • Abraham and Sarah 18:8-14
  • Esau and Jacob 9:10-14, Gen. 25:29-34; 27:1-30
  • Pharaoh 9:15, Exo. 7:3-5
  • Job – Job 2:7-10

Christians must learn how to live in thanksgiving. Good or bad you must still respect the position of God in affairs of life, He remains the Master, I Thess. 5:18. God is fully in control of the entire universe.

      Who am I to ask or question His authority regarding decision of life? Hab. 3:17-19, James 4:13-15.

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