By: Bro. Joel Uto
The Word of God is far more powerful than what any of us could imagine. We should not underestimate the power of God`s word. The power in the Word is usually depended on who is talking. People many a time say “my words are my guns”. The gospel is the power of God to save. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jews first and also for the Greek” – Rom. 1:16. Yes truly the gospel is the Word of God; It saves! We are going to consider two aspects of the Word in today`s exhortation.
- THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD: So powerful that God spoke the world into existence “For HE spoke, and it was done. HE commanded and it stood fast” – Psalm33:9. The writer of Hebrews says “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God. So that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” – Heb. 11:1. In Genesischapter one, whatever God said or pronounced happened the way it should be. The Word is Christ, through whom the world was created or made. John 1:3; Heb. 1:2; Col. 1:16.
“For by HIM all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible. Whether thrones or dominions or principalities or power. All things were created through HIM and for HIM” Col. 1:16. We should stand in awe of the power and learn to use the power of the Word in our lives generally. You have to speak the word in prayers for your progress, successes and challenges that should be overcome.
Jesus Christ spoke the Word at His temptation and no other antidote. Paul urges us to effectively use the Word, Eph. 6:13. God spoke His Word to Moses, “what is in your hand? Moses then stretched the rod in his hand to the sea and it divides. The power manifested as it were! Exodus 14:16,21.
- THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD: This is equally powerful because it`s God. The written Old Testament was available in Jesus’ day. It was so powerful that by quoting the written Word, Jesus Christ resisted the devil. The devil never attempted anything like that again “Then the devil left HIM, and angels came and ministered to HIM” Matt. 4:11. When you act on the Word you will receive its power and see and feel the effects in all ramifications. We should be quoting the Word into our spiritual and physical lives no matter You just must be positive with the Word. How do you personally worship with the Word? How do you give to God and live by the Word? The written Word will prevent us from going to hell as it could have prevented the rich man’s five brothers from going to the place of torment he is already in Luke 16:19-31.
- THE SPOKEN WORD OF CHRIST: This is so powerful enough to sustain the universe and keep it operating. He is “upholding ALL THINGS by the Word of His power” – Heb. 1:3.
The spoken word of Christ was so powerful that healing of sicknesses, situations changed the same hour HE spoke or pronounced it, Matt 8:8-13. In Mark 4:35-39, the power of the spoken Word of Christ calmed the turbulent sea. It was the spoken Word of Christ, dead men were raised; the son of the widow of Nain, “…young man, I say to you, arise” Luke7:14-15; Jarius’ daughter “little girl arise Luke 8:54;” Lazarus, come forth! John 11:43-44. Truly, the Word of the Lord is exceedingly powerful because of whom HE is Matt 28:18. The word is in your mouth use it! May Christ speak calmness to any of our challenges even now in His name, amen.
- THE WRITTEN WORD OF JESUS CHRIST: The gospel is written down such that it might be more easily preserved and conducive for one to c The written Word of Christ is just as powerful as His spoken word. The scriptures do not make difference in the power of the two. The written Word of Jesus is so powerful that hearing and believing, repenting, confessing it and being washed of your sin in accordance could give you life. “And truly Jesus did many other signs……but these are written that you may believe… that believing you may have life in His name John 20:30-31.
The gospel is the written Word Eph 3:3-4. We should live it study it, know it and preach it to give life to the hearers who truly obey.
CONCLUSION: The power in the Word is enormous. Discover it and you will be happy you did! Just as the written word of Moses and the Prophets could have prevented the rich man`s five brothers from torment in flame, so CAN the written message of Christ prevent us from such a disaster of hell. MAY WE GRAB THE POWER OF THE WORD TO USE ALWAYS IN CHRIST NAME, AMEN.