Theme:           = Spiritual Drifting =

Text:               Proverb 21:16

By:                  Avwokpeta, Esivwe

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  • Drift: To be carried along (as by current of water or spiritual drift is a gradual shift in values, attitude moral perception, faith and belief, right opinions under the influence of a destructive force.
  • Patrick means is an author, public speaker and a preacher for 20 years.
  • He wrote a book titled “Men’s secret wars”.
  • In his book, he wrote about his personal tragic experience
  • As at a year ago before he wrote his personal tragi experience.
  • He said, he was at a Ministry Leadership Conference when his supervisor called him one night. The supervisor ordered that, he come to his room immediately; that it’s important.
  • Patrick said the next 4 hours began the worse nightmare of his life after they discovered his extramarital affair.
  • This affair led to his immediate dismissal from the Ministry which he had for over 20 years, and eventually the divorce of his wife and loss of his family.
  • Patrick recalls this personal tragedy and the lessons he learned out of it through out his book.

But there is something we need to point out.

Patrick did not ACCIDENTALLY fall into the sin of adultery, but rather as in most cases of transgression, there is a slow, downward, decline that leads to carrying out this act.

  • When it was all said and done the question is how did I get here?
  • The tendency for a Christian to wander away or drift to an unknown and unexpected destination that brings regret and separation from God, is sure.
  • The bible in the book of I Corinth 10:12 gave a very strong warning,… to be read (illustration of David action and a young lady who got pregnant while in secondary school)
  • In this sermon, we shall look at a few key factors (a) that can possibly influence a Christian to drift away or lost touch with God (b) and what should be done

I John 2:15 and Lk 8:14

Do not love the world or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone love the world, love for the father is not in him. 

I John 2:15

And as for what fell among the thorns, these are {the people} who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked and suffocated with the anxieties and cares and riches and pleasures of life, —Luke 8:14 

You must have heard some people saying, “my heaven is here on earth” this perception is borne out of the assumed irresistible beauty, glamor and pleasure, the material things of the world present to the (5) five senses of man.

Some of us are conversant with the obsession of a former of the senate. He acquired properties and cars to the point that had to park very cars and power bike in his living room. This is a typical example of the love and affection one can develop towards the things of the world that are transient.

1 Timothy 6:9-10 9 But those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish (useless, godless) and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction and miserable perishing.

10: For the love of money is a root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have been led astray and have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many a cute (mental) anguish. 

Many Christians are lured away from the church life (Christian Community) because they have fallen in love so much with the thing and pleasure of this life that have no eternal merit and purpose.

You must pull the plug immediately when you discover that your affection for prosperity and abundance is beginning to adversely affect your love for spiritual involvement and development. 1Timothy 6:6


1 Corinthian 15:33 (Amplified)

Now, what informs your decisions and actions matter a lot as a Christian. You are influenced over time by the words you received to heart specially by the company of people you allow into your life. 

When you as a Christian carelessly yoke with wrong company, maybe in your residential area, a place of adoption, school as a student, be sure that someday you will ask the question, “How did get here?


A Christian husband who has been treating the wife warmly and respectfully can drift. The friends may misdirect him with words like you must be a hard man only one woman is not enough, to take advice from her. Before you know, this man can no longer say sorry when necessary, words like please forgive me will be foreign…

Even when the wife will tend to ask, my hubby something is wrong, this well-mannered man will shout on her. (Pun). He may even drift to getting a concubine and even a second woman in their home. (Cane of the sister drift)


Eph. 5:16 Making the very most of the time (buying up each opportunity), because the days are evil

One of Satan’s greatest weapons against man in general seems to be his ability to make him busy. We so often sacrifice the best of our time on activities that are God cantered.

Many of us are so busy to the extent that our schedule for each week has been occupied by our personal interest.

  • you are always on the move
  • -if you are not here, you are there
  • -your mind is always preoccupied by some justified soda!
  • -then you’ll gradually have no time to pray (commune with God)
  • -you find it quite easy to balance your account but difficult to study and meditate on

God’s word

  • You have less time to assemble with the saints
  • To create time for evangelism becomes a waste of
  • The implication of out-of-control schedule is that, one begins to develop apathy for the things of One day one of such will wake up at the other side and realize that he or she has been busy doing nothing.

Now, if you must desire to remain in the shore with God and not to drift away, then you must begin to take a closer look at your time and schedule. It most likely that you are currently doing too much and your hectic schedule is affecting your relationship with God, you must deliberately begin to cut out any activities you can that will allow you to use up each opportunity.


1 Corinthians 10:12 – Therefore, let him anyone who thinks he stands (who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm), take heed lest he falls (in sin). 

When a Christian begins to feel he/she is no longer teachable or corrected because of his vast knowledge in the word, years of experience and, respect he or she commands, then he is bound to drift to an unknown destination.

As a matter of seriousness, the journey does not give room for ego, pride and I know it all spirit.

-You may be acting strange and sometimes up holding some unscriptural stand; God might use any believer to call your attention. If you are stubborn, you’ll probably end up asking the question, How did get here..?


You must always humble yourself before God.

Remember, the higher you go, the more you must acknowledge your emptiness and vulnerability before. John 15:5. 


In order not to find yourself in a circle of regret and separation from God, you must

  • You set your affection right
  • Avoid Evil Companionship
  • Take control of your schedule and
  • Avoid being overconfident of your self

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