Text:        Matthew 25:35-44

By:           Bro. Henry Moses

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  1. God Won’t Ask
  • On the day of judgment, God won’t ask the following questions:
  • God won’t ask what kind of car we drove, but He’ll ask how many people we drove who didn’t have transportation.
  • God won’t ask the square footage of our house, but He’ll ask how many people we welcomed into our home.
  1. God Won’t Ask
  • God won’t ask about the clothes we had in our closet, but He’ll ask how many others we clothed.
  • God won’t ask about our social class, but He’ll ask what kind of class we displayed.
  • God won’t ask how many material possessions we had, but He’ll ask if they dictated our life.
  1. God Won’t Ask
  • God won’t ask what our highest salary was, but He’ll ask if we compromised our principles to obtain it.
  • God won’t ask how much money we spent on ourselves, but He’ll ask how much we gave back to Him.
  • God won’t ask how much overtime we worked, but He’ll ask if our overtime was for ourselves or for our family.
  1. God Won’t Ask
  • God won’t ask how many promotions we received, but He’ll ask how we promoted others.
  • God won’t ask what our job title was, but He’ll ask if we performed our job to the best of our ability.
  • God won’t ask what we did to help ourselves, but He’ll ask what we did to help others.
  1. God Won’t Ask
  • God won’t ask how many friends we had, but He’ll ask how many people to whom we were a friend.
  • God won’t ask what we did to protect our “rights,” but He’ll ask what we did to protect the rights of others.
  • God won’t ask in what neighborhood you lived, but He’ll ask how you treated your neighbors, LUKE 6:27 but I say unto you which hear, love your enemies,
  1. God Won’t Ask
  • God won’t ask about the color of our skin, but He’ll ask about the content of our character.
  • God won’t ask how many times our deeds matched our words, but He’ll ask how many times they didn’t.
  • God won’t ask if His Son loved us, but He’ll ask if we loved His Son.


  • Brethren, let’s “think” about the above content and then note – Matthew 25:35-44!
  • Conclusion ;
  • Philippians 1:9-10
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