Text:         James 2:23, 4:8

By:            Stephen Umukoro

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Abraham have had greater impact on the world’s religion. He is revered by the Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. The Bible describe him as a towering of faith – Romans 4:11. Abraham also has the distinction of being the only person whom the Bible directly refers to as friend of God. James 2:23, 11Chro 20:7, Isa. 41:8. The Bible told us that whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that through patience and comfort of the scriptures might hve hope- Rom. 15:4.

Therefore Abraham life provide a rich or good example for us Christians to imitate –Heb 11:8-10, 17:19. Let us eamine some example of his triats worth emulating.

  • FAITH- 11:6, 8, II Cor. 5:7, Gen. 15:6, Gal. 3:7
  • OBEDIENCE- 22:12, Acts 5:29, I Sam. 15:22
  • Courage- 27:14, Deut. 31:6, Gal. 1:10
  • HUMILITY- I Peter 5:6, James 4:6, Mtt. 18:4
  • HOSPITALITY- I Peter 4:9, 1Tim. 3:2
  • PEACE- 5:9, Rom. 12:18
  • LOVE- I John 4:7, John 15:12, Deut. 6:5

Let us begin with what perhaps is his best known quality –

  1. “FAITH”: What is Faith? As used in the Bible, Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1. A person with faith in God focus on the fulfilment of God’s promises, confident that they are as good as done. How did Abraham display faith? While Abraham was living in Ur, God directed him to leave the land of his birth. Abraham simply obeyed. With faith he left Ur, confident that God would keep His promise. With faith he wandered through Canaan and dwell in tents – Acts 7:2-3, Hebrews 11:8-9. While Abraham and his wife, Sarah were childless, God promised to make a great nation out of him and all the families of the earth would be blessed through him – Genesis 18:18. When Abraham was 99years and Sarah was nearing 90years God reaffirm His promise, that Abraham would have a son. From human stand point or view, that seems impossible – Matthew 19:26. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body dead, when he was about 100years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He staggered not at the God’s promise, but was strong in faith fully persuaded that God would fulfil His promise. At the age of 100years Abraham became father to a son whom he named Isaac. Genesis 21:3.
  2. Obedient: obedient is willingness to carry out a command or an instruction. How did Abraham displayed his obedience? A number of years after the birth of Isaac, God made a very unusual request of Abraham. God asked him to sacrifice his only beloved Isaac. Though the prospect of losing his son must have pained him, yet Abraham obeyed, and was willing to sacrifice him. However, at the crucial moment when Abraham was about to offer Isaac, God intervened, stopped Abraham and provided a ram for the sacrifice. God commanded Abraham for his outstanding obedience – Genesis 22:12, God has not demanded that which is impossible.
  3. Courage:

What is Courage: Courage is the quality of being strong, bold and valiant, the opposite of timidity and cowardice. How did Abraham display courage? Preparing to leave their land of birth. Abraham may have looked at his family and servants as they prepare to head out into Canaan – Genesis 12:1-5. Surveying the large group of people who will depend on him for their livelihood. Abraham must have keenly sense his responsibility towards them – 1 Timothy 5:8. How will he provide for their material need while in an unknown land. Ur his land of birth is a prosperous area with fertile soil and ample water supply. What if where they are going does not have such prospect. How will they survive? If Abraham has such worries or other complain. He does not allow such paralyzed his trust in God – Job 13:5, Psalm 37:3. He was determine to act and obey God’s command, come what may. Thus Abraham courageously and willingly gave up his comfortable life in Ur, trusting in God’s providence – 1 Peter 5:7. Another area of his outstanding courage worth emulating is his decision to hold on to what he knows was right. Abraham grew up in an environment whose people worship multitude of gods including his father, Terah. Joshua 24:2. Yet he did not let fear or what others would think discourage him from taking to a different course, choosing to direct his worship solely Jehovah God, rather than to those lifeless idols of other gods.

  1. Abraham Humility and Hospitality

What is humility? Humility is freedom from pride or arrogance, the quality of thinking that you are better than others – Matthew 18:4, Philippians 2:3. An humble person respect others irrespective of his position – Philippians 2:5-8.


A friendly and generous behaviour towards other people. 1 Pet. 4:9.

How did Abraham display these two beautiful godly qualities? On one afternoon, as Abraham sat in his tent, he catches sight of three strangers. He ran to meet them and bowed himself towards the ground Gen. 18:2 a sign of humility. Prov 22:4. He urged them to rest for a bit and enjoy his hospitality. He offered to them a piece of bread but he proceeds to arrange an elaborate meal. Abraham participated in the preparation of the meal, rather than delegating everything to his servant, this humble man did not view it as beneath his dignity to serve others. Abraham displayed not only genuine humility but also an outstanding hospitality. Thus, apostle Paul later encourage Christians to follow Abraham footstep, as he wrote in Heb. 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.

  1. PEACE

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God Matt. 5:9, Peace is the state of living in friendly or harmoniously with people in way devoid of violence. Rom. 12:18. How does Abraham reflect this inner quality of his? In Gen. 13:1-5, the bible recorded that Abraham was rich in cattle, silver and gold and Lot which went with him also had some flock and herd, at a point in time the land could not contained their substances so there was a strive between Abraham herd men and Lot’s herdsmen. How did Abraham resolve their conflict? Gen. 13:6-11 Abraham attitude in this passage is an exhibition of love, peace, humility and unselfishness.

  1. LOVE

A strong feeling of deep affection for people. A loving person demonstrate by his action how he feels about those whom he loves doing so requires selfless services. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and thy soul and with all thy might Deut. 6:5. Abraham showed that he loved his God, because his entire life course expressed such love. In 1 John 5:3 the bible says “For this is the love of God that we keep his commandment and his commandment are not grievous” By this statement, Abraham was a stellar of love for God. Time and again, when God gave Abraham a command, he obeyed immediately. Gen. 12:4, 17:22-23 it did not matter whether the command was easy or hard, he was willing to act. Abraham viewed each command as an opportunity to demonstrate his love for God. Consider the warm reception Abraham gave to the three visitors, is a demonstration of his love for his fellow neighbor. Lev. 19:18, Matt. 19:19. Another case was when he was informed of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham displayed another fine inner quality as he sympathetically pleaded on behalf of the people. Gen. 18:23-32.


Abraham was an ordinary person like us, He faced many of the same struggles, trials, temptation and challenges like us. Yet he met them successfully because of his submissiveness to God’s will. Let us cultivate these beautiful qualities of Abraham, it will help us to be closer to God. James 4:8

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