Text:             2 Corinthians 12:9a

By:               Bro. Jude Obomedaire

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This is not a common question people ask. It is mostly asked by people in deep pain and distress. We sometimes find ourselves on the other side of life where we think that God does not care about us especially when you have fasted and prayed but things still remain the same and all you keep hearing is sister/brother be patient, God will do it for you, and we silently say in our heart, “when will He do it? Is it after I am dead? Or when people have started mocking me?

This sermon is to encourage everyone of the following:

  • Those that are passing through tough and bitter time right now
  • Those that have experienced bitter times
  • Those that have not experience deep distress.

A wealthy man once said, “train up a child to experience every phase of life so that he/she will not be caught off-guard”.

Sometimes, life can be very ugly that you wish you leave this church or go out and seek other means for solution especially when you are trying your best to do the things of God but things are getting worse. We sometimes ask, “Does Jesus care”.

We sometimes think that Jesus does not care because of the following reasons:

  1. When we fail to count of our blessings, like:
  1. Waking up to seek a new day
  2. Free oxygen (people pay heavily for this in the hospital) – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
  • God’s healing: some persons went to the hospital but never came back. Some spend millions on drugs daily.
  1. Food: none of us has gone begging on the street. God has always helped us in one way or the other. Learn to appreciate God for this.
  1. When We Live a Competitive Life: we sometimes look at people with their lands and gold and think that God has forgotten us when we are in competition with others. You will never appreciate what God is doing for you rather you will be uncontended with what you have. Envy, jealously, hatred will set into your heart and you will keep thinking God does not care about you. We must understand the following fact life – Philippians 4:11-14, 1 Timothy 6:6-12.
  2. Everyone can never be equal or equally rich at the same time
  3. Everyone has his time of life – Genesis 18:10.
  • Learn to celebrate other people’s success that is when yours will come – “success comes to those who love it”.

When you desist from this style of life, you will see that Jesus cares about you.

  1. When we see the wicked prosper – Psalm 10:5, Job 21:13.
  2. When we doubt God during a lasting trial like, lack of job, health challenges, marital challenges, unfruitfulness, getting life partners, losing our loved ones – Luke 13:11-13, Matthew 9:20. Businesses going bad etc. When all these things tarry for long, our faith is sometimes get shaken and we think God does not care. We should always remember;
  • God is aware and He always think of me
  • God knows better
  • It is never too late for His miracles
  • Let Him still be God even when desires are not met.
  1. When God Refuses to be Used: Some of us see God as only problem solver and when everything comes back to be normal you backslide. Yes, coming to God for your need or material things is not bad but we should learn to seek His words and be faithful even when what we ask of Him is not given only then we can understand that God is caring for us in other ways.


No matter what you are going through in life, others have passed through it and they still worship God faithfully because they understand despite what they are passing through in life God is aware and He has His reasons. All we must do is to try the best we can to live a righteous life and let His will be done in our life. Learn to trust God when things do not make sense.

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