By:            Godwin T. Eyaigho

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There are so many sicknesses and diseases that are plaguing the human body but the effects of them are felt immediately while others take some time before they manifest having done much damage to the body; one of them is AIDS. AIDS can be likened to spiritual disease/sickness (sin) which some of us indulge in with levity.

AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by HIV (Human Immune-Deficiency Virus) which interfere with the ability of the human body to function properly.


When the church began in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit used “steadfastly”, “one accord” and “at the hour of prayer” to refer to the early Christian among many other things they were available for the saints’ activities at the appointed time – Acts 2:42, 46, 3:1. Thus, lateness, absenteeism and other misconducts like AIDS were acquired and manifested by some Christians overtime.

Lateness, absenteeism and other misconducts during the assembly of the saints are sinful acts

James 4:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:6; I Corinthians 14:40, Hebrews 10:25

When you are sick, somebody dies suddenly or you are on duty fully, you miss assembly of the saints but when you deliberately absent yourself or come late to worship without any justifiable reason, you commit the sins of forsaking and lateness (Hebrews 10:25; James 4:17).


  1. No fear of God: Those who come late, absent themselves and misbehave during worship have no fear of God and they also disregard HIS worship.
  1. Not Spiritual: Those who indulge in these acts are not spiritual and they still live and practice some sins
  2. Not Serious with God’s Business: It is commonly said that punctuality is the soul of business. They see God’s business or work as the duty of the leaders only…It does not concern them.
  1. Failure to exercise faith in God: Once there are problems, they relax hoping God will understand.
  1. No punishment for these sins except absenteeism: However, I ask, those who covet and lust in their hearts (unknown to the local congregation and leaders); have they sinned and deserved God’s punishment if they repent not? YES, so also are those involved in these acts (I John 5:17, James 4:17).

Brethren, lateness, absenteeism, sleeping and other misconducts during worship are sinful and punishable because they are complete disregard to the Almighty God


  1. Revere God: We must have a very high respect for God as it is the duty of all men to fear and obey (Ecclesiastes 12:13; 5:1; Malachi 1:8, 6)
  2. Preparation for Sunday worship must start on Saturday evening and other activities a day before the appointed time.
  3. Prayer: we must pray to God to help us with strong determination to avoid these nonsensical and sinful acts (Philippians 4:6)
  4. You may set your clock watch 5 to 10 minutes ahead.


As AIDS gradually kills its victims so are these nonsensical and sinful acts in our relationship with God. We must with candour know and respect God highly in all our activities and avoid in totality these sins.

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