By:            Godwin Eyiangho

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It is always easier and done with gladness of heart for man generally to thank God when things are well but when there are problems, it becomes a serious issue and a difficult thing to do.

The natural or canal man does not see any need to appreciate God when things are bad. However Christians must thank God in every situation that confronts them as it is a mark of distinction between us and the world                  (I Thessalonians 5:18; Ephesians 5:20,                    Philippians 4:6).

In the context of our admonition, trial simply means the problem of life, temptation, persecution, hardship, afflictions, suffering or anything that inconvenience the human system.

As spiritual people we must understand that trials or problems do not just happen without God’s knowledge and purpose and thus thanksgiving must flow from us to Him – it is inevitable!

Let’s sing the Beauty of Trial hymn and get some insight from it for our sermon. 

The Beauty of Trial 

  1. When you sit to think of your trials

The ups and downs of life

You will think and cry and cry

Not until you see others’ own

You will not be able to cry Anymore


You will then understand it’s the beauty of trials (x2) 

  1. In this world that we are living everyone has his own trials

You don’t know mine I don’t know yours but it’s God that knows everything and He said you should come unto Him 


You will then understand it’s the beauty of trials (x2) 

  1. What e’r your trials may be take them to the Lord

He will surely bear your burdens

There is nothing too hard for Him

He will surely answer your prayers 


You will then understand it’s the beauty of trials (x2)


Often times, most of us see our trials as the worst, hence we cannot thank God. Rather we ask – why should God allow this problem to happen to us?

A man cries bitterly that he has no shoes until he sees a man without leg. He gave thanks to God that he has leg.

A Christian family that feels so bad eating, small meat or fish in their meal, thanked God and regretted their action when they visited another Christian home that ate rice and stew without meat or fish. The list of this example is long.

A brother who had his truck and legs burnt in an accident and a sister who had dislocation on her leg, cried bitterly until they saw the other side of such incidents.

Until we see the problems of others we won’t know what we are enjoying in our various trials. The worst problem on earth is sin but since Christ has delivered us from it, let’s us thank God in whatever problem we have (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 5:20).


The realization that all people have problems will serve as a motivation to thanksgiving in trial.

Since sin entered the human system, problem comes to all whether you are young or old, poor or rich,  believers or non-believers – no one can escape for it is common (I Corinthians 10:13),  all Christians must suffer (I Peter 5:9).

The fact that you see somebody smiling does not exempt such a person from trouble (Job 5:7). We do not know exactly the depth of one another trials but God knows everything about us and He calls us to come to him (Matthew 11:28,                       Psalm 50:15).

Therefore we must go to God with thanksgiving in prayer for solution to our problems – (Philippians 4:6).


Whatever be the nature of our trials we must thankfully go to God in prayer. He will hear us, bear our burden and overcome for us – for with him all things are possible (I Peter 3:12, I Peter 5:7, Matthew 19:26, Luke 1:37).             


We must be thankful to God for bad government and economic hardship. The unbelievers may curse, swear or abuse those in authority but we must not for God has  ordained the government of the day for a purpose _ either to punish the sin of the people or to turn things around for good (Daniel 4:32,                 Romans 13:1-7).

With thanksgiving we should pray for good government we desire and He will do it – I Timothy 2:1,2) 


As you thank God in trials you are relieved of heavy hearts burdens as you have demonstrated your faith that God is in control of the situation with the ability and capacity to solve it.

Thanksgiving is the first and final step to victory over trials as Job and Christ did – (Job 1:21, John 11:41).

 Thanksgiving grants victory over trial which leads to acknowledgment of and glory to God, spiritual stabilization and promotion (Daniel 3:29, 30, 1 Peter 5:10).

Giving thanks in trial makes us to be in tune with the will of God in Christ for us always (I Thessalonians 5:18, I John 3:22).

I John 3:22 – And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. 


Christians must make their thanksgiving to God a good habit so that in times of trouble or problem they can easily practice it to have victory over trials.

We must appreciate God sincerely from our hearts during trial because what He is doing for us even in our various trial is greater.

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